19 Mac 2001

Part 1

6721-05 geng sentry!

6721-07 pocong terbang tinggi!

6721-08 tok batin jadi pocong? eh akmal pun ada!

6721-09 attack of the killer pocong 2!

6721-10 tok batin memarahi sazali hingga dia....?

6721-11 atas bukit pun bergambar?

6721-12 di manakah tempat sazali jatuh?(sejarah spm)
jawapan: alaa situ jer

6721-13 flora! ayark mentari

6721-14 dipterocarpaceae? ntah

6721-15 mana waiter nih .. tengok hanan dah tongkat dagu!


All graphic are created by karlbum, except for the light switch from CoffeeCup and the guestbook (view/sign) from AndyArt Button Vault
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